It says on hur websight that shes a Sculpture and Illustation artist. She uses a lot of wire in hur work and makes a lot of animals and humans out of it. shes also won a lot of compatitions such as;
Clio winner 2008
Cannes festival double gold
ADC double gold
Obie best of show
Andy double gold
One show gold pencil
London Internatioanl double grand.
I dont know much about these compotitios but looking at the trofies they look pritty impresive.
In 1968 she began evolving her own unique form of non-traditional wire sculpture, a complex hybrid of lace-making and engineering. By 1985, she had raised her mastery of the new medium to the extent that museums were inviting her to create one-woman exhibits. Today her works are found in museums, galleries, zoos, parks, corporate settings, sculpture gardens and private homes throughout the world.
Elizabeth Berrien's fluid, lacelike creations are remarkably sturdy and resilient. They cast intriguing shadows, and resonate softly when touched. Berrien begins each sculpture by twisting together single strands of wire. Twisting, stranding and splicing in countless additional wires, she creates a 3-dimensional line drawing, following the muscle, bone and feather patterns that best represent an animal's inner essence.
I think these sculptures are amazing.
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